Take A Walk by Passion Pit

Originally posted 18th October 2013

Last year, as most of you have, I saw a commercial for Taco Bell’s Doritos Locos Tacos, where I heard a song where its singer sang the lyrics, “I took a walk,” and the harmony vocals sang the words, “Take a walk.”  Initially, I had no idea who these guys were who made this record until last Sunday night, over a day after hearing it at Burger King on National Hwy in Thomasville, I did a Google search of  “songs used in Taco Bell commercials.”  I found the links to the song, titled Take A Walk by Passion Pit, an alternative rock/techno pop band from Boston.  After seeing a couple of YouTube videos for the song (a tale about a businessman who has fallen upon hard times), I downloaded it onto my laptop from iTunes and transferred it onto my Android phone.

So if you like techno pop music, or if you’re an alternative rock junkie like me, go to iTunes or Google Play, and download Take A Walk by Passion Pit for $1.29 per download.  It’s got a killer, infectious beat, and you won’t be able to get it out of your head, even when you’re taking a walk.

Passion Pit – Take a Walk: http://youtu.be/dZX6Q-Bj_xg